Philadelphia, March 28, 1747 Sir, Your kind present of an electric tube, with directions for using...
Category - Letters about electricity
Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collison dated July 28, 1747
Philadelphia. July 28. 1747 Sir The inclosed is a Copy of my last, which went by the...
Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collison dated May 25, 1747
Philada. May 25. 1747 Sir In my last I informed you that In pursuing our Electrical Enquiries, we...
Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collison dated April 29, 1749
Philada. Apl. 29. 1749 Sir I now send you some Further Experiments and Observations in Electricity...
Letter from Benjamin Franklin to John Mitchel dated April 29, 1749
Philada. Apl. 29. 1749 Sir Observations and Suppositions towards forming a new Hypothesis for...
Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collison dated July 29, 1750
Philada. July 29 1750 Sir As you first put us on Electrical Experiments by sending to our Library...
Letter 2 from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collison dated July 29, 1750
Opinions and Conjectures concerning the Properties and Effects of the Electrical Matter, arising...
Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collison dated September 27, 1750
Additional Experiment proving that the Leyden Bottle has no more Electrical Fire in it, when...
Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collison dated June 29, 1751
Philadelphia June 29: 1751 Sir In Capt. Waddels Account of the Effects of Lightning on his Ship, I...
Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Cadwallader Colden dated October 31, 1751
Philada. Oct. 31. 1751 Dear Sir I enclose you Answers, such as my present Hurry of Business will...